First Aggregation Ever of Private Fleet Backhaul Capacity Reduce Number of Empty Trucks and their Carbon Emissions
Lower Costs, Increase Profitability and Help Save our Planet

Private Fleet Trucks are 45% of all Trucks
Private Fleet Truck Backhauls are Empty 50-90%
Medium & heavy diesel trucks cause major pollution:
- Less than 6% of vehicles on the road, but
- Responsible for 25% of the greenhouse gas emissions and 57% of deadly fine particulates

Let's Get Smart
Private Fleet Net Zero Inc. (PFNZ) was formed from years of experience, helping billions of dollars of freight spend to buy more cost-effectively and efficiently. Born out of Cargo Chief, a leader in digital freight matching technology, leveraging multi-patented innovations, PFNZ was established after speaking to dozens of named private fleets and dozens of sophisticated volume freight buyers representing over $50B of freight spend. We are on a path to Save Millions of tree equivalents.